PreVet - For stables, farriers and animal owners

Your digital team member in the stable

Say goodbye to scattered information and hello to organised animal care, stable management and communication when you use the PreVet app. Trusted by top stables, farriers, and animal owners throughout Sweden and other countries.

Developed together and trusted by - our family members

App and desktop version

Manage your animals, stable or records seamlessly

digitalize and experience

Enhanced efficiency, increased profitability, and lower risks in your daily operations by digitalising

PreVet STable


PreVet Stable

For professional stables

Improved stable routines and communication. All essential information gathered in one place in real-time – always accessible.

PreVet Hoof


PrEVet Hoof

For farriers

Access client information, horse information and records directly on your mobile device for easy record-keeping.

PrEVet PRo & Basic


PrEVet PRo & Basic

For animal owners

Document your animal’s everyday life for a comprehensive overview of all activities and health, care, and development. Available for horses, dogs, and cats.

What do our users say?


"Helps us reduce the risk of misunderstandings"Lisen Bratt Fredricson, Grevlunda
We use PreVet Stable at Grevlunda for planning, communication, and documentation regarding our horses, team, and operations. We gather everything from vaccinations, feeding, farriers, and daily care to specific abnormal activities, observations, and our competition planning. The app is easy for anyone to use and helps us reduce the risk of misunderstandings since everyone has access to the right information regardless of the time or their location. - Lisen Bratt Fredricson
"It is a valuable tool"Haras de Prepinson - Eva schiller
"We use PreVet to organize training sessions and the daily care of our 50 horses in the stable. It is an valuable tool to have all the information about each horse accessible on the phone for all employees" - Eva Schiller
"Safer and, not least, it simplifies the job"Ågesta Gård
"It's always important that everyone who handles the horse's everyday life is well acquainted with the horse's status. Therefore, it is important for us at Ågesta to be able to easily document all events for each individual horse with PreVet Stable and then to quickly reach all information via the app. It feels safer and not least it simplifies the job with a facility like ours with about 80 horses." - Kristian Von Krusenstierna
"Successful and cost-effective healthcare"Wången AB Ulf Hedenström, veterinarian
"For successful and cost-effective care of sick or injured animals, quick, wise, and fact-based decisions are required - along with a fast, direct, and honest communication pathway throughout the entire care chain. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case in reality, leading to dissatisfaction and various forms of unnecessary suffering for both the animals and their owners. PreVets app has all the potential to become the missing link we need" - Ulf Hedenström
"Exceeded our expectations"Borebackar Gård
"We started using PreVet Stable last summer, and I must say that it has surpassed our expectations. It has truly optimized our work, saving time and providing enhanced productivity both when we are in the stable and outside of it." - Alexandra Mörner

Dutch VIP Horses ♥ PreVet

Dutch VIP Horses

PreVet is saving us failures and time

”What makes PreVet stable unique is that it’s an app specially designed for the smartphone and you can add information in one or two clicks. Even if you have never worked with the app or any other app before its very logical to navigate through the pages and menus of this app.  Any junior student or senior staff member,  all our staff can work with this app and everybody finds his way easily. For us that is an essential condition to start using an app for planning and administration. PreVet is saving us failures and time. We never miss any important information anymore, whether it’s a vaccination that has to be done in time or it’s a dentist bill that has to be continued to our consumer, PreVet reminds us.

PreVet Stable is a unique app that is very user-friendly, and we recommend it to everybody with horses!”

Q & A

Frequently asked questions


We have different packages depending on the number of horses and users. Contact us in the form below. 

Are you interested in PreVet Stable – contact us on in the form below.

Are you interested in PreVet Hoof – contact us on in the form below.

Are you an animal owner who has a horse, dog, or cat? Go ahead and get started by downloading PreVet – Dog, Cat & Horse at App Store or Google Play. 

PreVet is trusted and developed together with all three of Sweden’s national equestrian centres, top stables, farriers and animal owners. We’ve designed the app together with our users with the focus on simplicity and ease of use, ensuring a seamless experience for all users. 

We provide a solution for:

  • Stables, regardless of size
  • Farriers 
  • Animal owners (Horse, Dog, Cat)

Join the PreVet Family

Get started with PreVet

Fill in the information below, and we will contact you!

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PreVet Family


Sidenvävargatan 17

753 19 Uppsala

